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Peter Mulhern: Arthroscopy and What It Offers the Patient

· orthopaedic surgeon,Peter Mulhern

Peter Mulhern is a practiced orthopedic surgeon and specialist in total joint replacement. A longtime expert in his field, Peter Mulhern specializes in complete replacement of such joints as the knee, shoulder, and hip as a professional at the Galesburg Clinic in Galesburg, Illinois.

Peter Mulhern

As someone who has worked in orthopedics for more than 30 years, Peter Mulhern has been witness to many of the incredible advancements and considerable progress that has been made in the orthopedic procedure and technique. One such improvement has been the addition and ongoing refinement of arthroscopic surgery; a surgical method which has forever impacted and changed the way orthopedic diagnostics and treatment have been performed.

Traditional surgical methods often require large incisions, those which can not only damage tendons, muscles and other essential tissues but which often require considerable recovery times and cause considerable pain for the patient. With the arthroscopic surgical method, a small, minimally invasive incision is made, a small fiber-optic camera is inserted, and the surgeon can more precisely diagnose or repair the damaged area with greater accuracy and reduced damage to surrounding tissues.

Though not always the recommended or preferred surgical option, the benefits of arthroscopy over traditional surgery are considerable for the patient. Reduced recovery times, less surrounding tissue damage and less visible scarring are several advantages this method offers over traditional surgical options; benefits which will perhaps secure its place in orthopaedic medicine for the foreseeable future.

Peter Mulhern has been a practicing surgeon since 1988, and was once a practicing physician at the Munroe Regional Medical Center.